NeuroKinetic Therapy: Addressing Imbalances and Relieving Pain
One of the methodologies used by Randy Lind, NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT) is a therapeutic approach and system of manual therapy that focuses on assessing and treating dysfunctional movement patterns that cause the body to generate pain.
NKT utilizes a combination of muscle testing and corrective movements to address imbalances in the neuromuscular system.

It is often used by healthcare professionals such as physical therapists, chiropractors and massage therapists as a part of their treatment approach.
NKT can be applied to a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions and can provide effective relief for chronic pain, sports injuries, postural imbalances, repetitive strain injuries and rehabilitation after surgeries.
The Theory Behind NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT)
NeuroKinetic Therapy is based on the principle that all movement is controlled by the nervous system. When the neuromuscular system somewhere in your body has a loss of power or a decrease in its ability to perform routine movement patterns, it can lead to pain, muscle tension and restricted range of motion.
Randy uses a variety of tests to assess the body’s movement patterns and can identify the specific muscles and joints that are involved in the dysfunctional pattern.
Through this testing, he can identify which structures are causing the most maladaptive changes. These compensations occur when a muscle or set of muscles work harder than it should because another set of muscles are not operating effectively.
This testing helps to identify the underlying causes of pain. By addressing the underlying causes, it is possible to develop a more effective and efficient treatment plan, achieve more effective pain relief and—importantly—prevent the pain from recurring.
At the end of the session you may be given specific corrective movements to perform at home. These movements are designed to support the corrective work done during the therapy session and reestablish more optimal movement patterns.
Summary of Benefits of NKT Therapy
- A non-invasive treatment.
- Safe and effective for many conditions.
- Relatively quick treatment.
- Helps to identify the underlying causes of pain.
- Helps to develop a more effective treatment plan.
- Helps to achieve more effective pain relief.
- Helps to prevent issues from recurring.

It’s important to note that NeuroKinetic Therapy should be performed by trained professionals who have received certification in the technique. Randy Lind has undergone specific training to understand the assessment process, manual therapy techniques and corrective movements associated with NKT.